Judith Goldsmith
Bibliography >
Artist Statement
Exhibition Review, "Blissful Heaven Above and Angst-Ridden Hell Below", Chris Miller, newcity.com
Delaware Division of the Arts: Meet the Artist - Judith Goldsmith, 2011 (YouTube video)
Interview, Public Radio, Cleveland, OH
Exhibition review, Chase Gallery, Cate McQuaid, Boston Globe
Exhibition review, Chase Gallery, Christopher Mills, Boston Phoenix
Catalogue, Collection of the American Embassy, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Feature Article, "Adding Structure to Still Life", Betsey Schein Goodman and Patton Fielder, American Artist
Exhibition review, Brenda Kroos Gallery, Steven Litt, Cleveland Plain Dealer
"Human Community", Calvin Harlan, The New Orleans Art Review
Cover reproduction, Lagniappe Magazine, New Orleans Times Picayune
Reproductions in "Women Artists" calendars and datebooks; calendar covers: Cedco Publishing, San Raphael, CA
"Show by Virtuoso Realists", Vivian Raynor, New York Times
"Recent Developments in Realism", Victoria Donahoe, Philadelphia Enquirer
"ART" Feature article, Eileen Watkins, Newark Star Ledger
Featured artist, corporate collection brochure, Mead Data Corp., Denver, CO
"Art Runneth Over", Irene Rawlings, Denver Post
Exhibition review, Walkey Gallery, Charles Giuliani, Art New England